HOA can now save money, paper and time using electronic notices for official association communications. Normally, associations are required to send official notices via mail or hand delivery. However, now the association can provide you with the chose to send you your notices via e-mail but only if an owner has provided their written consent to receive their notices electronically.

E-mails used for official association communications can only be sent to those owners who consent, in writing, to receive their official notices by electronic transmission. The written consent must specifically authorize the association to transmit notice electronically. An owner who has consented to electronic notice may opt out at any time. The association must retain a roster of the e-mail addresses and the written consents of owners as an official record of the association. The member is responsible to ensure the association’s emails are not blocked or categorized as spam. Failure to receive an email due to a member’s inability to receive the email will not be a valid reason for objecting. Budget adoption notices, annual meeting notices, election notices, board meeting notices and so much more can be provided via email.